Methods of treatment of psoriasis

This disease often develops at an early age. Even in the light for that has with the emergence of serious psychological problems: low self-esteem, permanent feelings of shame and social isolation. Psoriasis is not life-threatening, but it has a great impact on its quality.


What is psoriasis and what are its causes, and how can you deal with it? This is quite common dermatosis: medical statistics show that it affects around 5-7% of the population. In recent years, psoriasis has been considered as a systemic disease — psoriatic disease because the pathological process, in addition to the skin, and to participate in the joints, the liver, the kidneys.

Factors of psoriasis and their symptoms

The study of psoriasis, its causes and find a cure continues. Until finally the factors that lead to injuries of the skin. Experts emphasize the importance of the following points:

  • significant improvements in the rate of cell division, which leads to the flaking of the top layer of the skin and the appearance of convex plates;
  • the genetic predisposition;
  • the weakening of the protective forces of an organism (for example, after an illness).

The basic distinctive signs of the disease, form a triad that includes:

  • education easy radius scaly patches of white-gray color – the so-called phenomenon stearin spot;
  • more scraping revealed a smooth pink surface – the phenomenon of terminal film;
  • the appearance of blood drops to the surface exposed, or the phenomenon of a point of bleeding.

Because the disease is chronic in nature, the question of "How to cure psoriasis?" will automatically change the text "How to translate it into a term of remission?"

Drug treatment of psoriasis

drug therapies

Means outside of the therapy

Topical preparations reduce the inflammation, scaling, and the degree of infiltration of the skin. Is creams and ointments that contain the following components:

  • salicylic acid;
  • urea;
  • sulfur;
  • dithranol.

Glucocorticoids also apply to local funds. The use of lotions useful in the treatment of psoriasis localized on the scalp.

  1. In the stage of progression of the disease is assigned salicylic ointment or hormonal agents anti-inflammatory action. First apply a light – prednisolone, hydrocortisone,. In the case of exacerbations repeated, an expression significant of the inflammatory process that are replaced by stronger fluorinated drugs. The use of these drugs very effective in 70% of cases result in a 14-day use it is possible to achieve complete regression of the lesions.
  2. For several years apply negalogenizirovanny glucocorticoid. With the exception of the composition of chlorine and fluoride significantly decreased the likelihood of side reactions, local and systemic. The drugs are the base of local drug treatment of psoriasis in elderly patients and children.
  3. A marked effect is achieved by the application of ointments and creams with dithranol. Are assigned in ascending order of doses in the short-term or long-term, and that have anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative action. The problem is the likelihood of adverse reactions in the form of erythema, local swelling or itching.
  4. Today for the treatment of psoriasis is a new drug — psorcutan that have a direct influence on the pathogenic nature of the factors provoking the development of the disease. Its active ingredient is calcipotriol, which is now entering in the active reaction with the receptors of keratinocytes and inhibits the process of division, after having immunocorrecting and anti-inflammatory action. Studies show that by the end of the second month of the condition of the skin improves, the number of injuries is greatly reduced or disappear completely. An important aspect is the lack of side effects, such as atrophy of the skin, as well as the results achieved. Psorcutan used in the treatment of guttate psoriasis, which is difficult for the therapy. In some cases it is possible to achieve remission with a duration of up to one year. Average efficiency is significantly higher when combined with the methods of physical therapy – PUVA - or SFT-irradiation.

The media used must be periodically replaced, as the result of adjusting its efficiency is reduced.

Treatment systemic

The base of the therapy systemic are aromatic retinoids (synthetic derivatives of vitamin A). 20 years of the practice of its application, is the test of the effectiveness of these funds.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

psoriasis, arthritis

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is a problem of two specialists: a rheumatologist and a dermatologist. The goal is to achieve a state of remission (partial or complete). It should be noted that to stop the progression of the disease and remove the symptoms only, through the use of drugs. The attempts of some patients to get rid of the disease non-traditional methods do not lead to positive results and can even cause the exacerbation and complications, such as serious changes in the tissues of the joints, spine, and some internal organs.

How can I treat this type of psoriasis? Medications are divided into two categories:

  • symptomatic treatments, which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory remedies and corticosteroids;
  • basic drugs with anti-inflammatory action: sulfasalazine, methotrexate, leflunomide.

The use of the first group leads to a rapid appearance of a positive result. Symptoms such as pain and stiffness disappear after a couple of hours. However, these drugs are not able to stop the process of destruction of the joints.

The most effective treatment of this type of psoriasis are able to achieve through the application of basic drugs. The result of its action is slow, but the development of the psoriatic arthritis this significantly slows down or even stops. The disadvantage of this type of drugs is that after a certain time the body gets used to them. It is necessary to increase the dose that causes the development of side effects.

Excellent results can be obtained through the use of anti-cytokine (biological) therapy, thanks to which manages to stop the destruction of joints. Today this method is considered to be the most effective.

Very important point is punctuality at the start of treatment, when the joints have not yet undergone deformation, because this process is irreversible.

Treatment of Palmar-plantar psoriasis

What can cure a variety of psoriasis localized to the palms and feet? This question is quite problematic, because traditional therapies are ineffective, due to the significant severity of the pathological processes in the dermis and epidermis, and a factor of constant irritation and traumatization of the skin in these areas as a result of contact with the clothing, frequent washing, etc.

  1. For an effective treatment of Palmar-plantar psoriasis must follow certain rules:
    • do not eat fried foods and foods with a spicy taste;
    • to stop Smoking;
    • eliminate the alcoholic drinks;
    • do not wash hands and feet with hot water too;
    • use the rubber gloves on the canvas to avoid contact with corrosive household chemicals;
    • if your feet have cracks, we recommend the use of hydrocolloid solution when applied on the affected area it prevents irritation from rubbing, alleviates itching, stimulates the regeneration of the skin.
  2. The purpose of pathogenetic therapy is the suppression of the propagation of keratinocytes, normalize its development, the reduction of the inflammation.
  3. External treatment is the use of:
    • softening and moisturizing preparations, which contribute to the removal of the stratum corneum of the skin (in the majority of cases its basis is the salicylic acid);
    • derivatives of vitamin D;
    • corticosteroids;
    • retinoids.
  4. If you can't get a positive result, also known as the therapy, PUVA, essentially, an exposure of affected areas to ultraviolet rays with the use of psoralen (photoactive material).
  5. The inefficiency of other methods of treatment prescribed therapy systemic.

Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows

psoriasis on the elbows

This type of pathology to be treated in an integral manner. This process is quite long, and includes:

  • following a special diet;
  • vitamin complex;
  • topical treatment (ointments, creams, lotions);
  • physiotherapy;
  • photochemotherapy.

Treatment of mild forms of psoriasis on the elbows can restrict the use of moisturizers, which help to reduce the peeling, get rid of the inflammation and the itching.

In the advanced stage, the use of an integrated system of treatment:

  • corticosteroids local action;
  • phototherapy;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • alternative methods for the treatment of psoriasis (folk remedy).

Treatment of psoriasis nails

Nail psoriasis was first described in the early 19th century. As it was pointed out that it is not isolated, which further confirmed. The nails are affected in some types of psoriasis (for example, vulgar), but, the disease can develop independently.

How to treat nail psoriasis? The process is complex and time duration. The disease is recurrent in nature, may occur in waves. The most important condition for therapy is the correct care of nails and hands daily necessary actions and the observance of certain rules:

  • the nails have to be short to cut;
  • to avoid microtrauma;
  • do not do manicures, pedicures, not to other cosmetic procedures;
  • during the execution of work to put on household gloves.

For the treatment of psoriasis nails mild medicines are not applied. May be limited by the realization of the plaque therapeutic varnish. That the mask of the affected areas, slow down the pathological process and the prevention of relapse.

In severe require treatment topical with the use of ointments, solutions and creams. As additional measures recommended in the intake of nutritional Supplements and vitamin formulations that contain calcium, zinc, potassium, silicon. During the exacerbation of the process that is best avoided.

Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

psoriasis of the head
  1. An important part of the treatment of psoriasis in the head is the intake of vitamins A and group b, drugs with calcium and nicotinic acid, with ascorbic and folic acid.
  2. The most effective is the use of corticosteroids.
  3. A good effect can be achieved using salicylic ointment.
  4. In the help it is recommended to moisten the scalp with decoction of herbs with anti-inflammatory action: celandine, chamomile or sage.

Treatment of psoriasis on the face

Many patients try to hide the trail of destruction with the help of cosmetics, but this is impossible. With constant contact with air and light exposure in the light of the plate to heal much faster.

  • Obligatory condition of treatment of psoriasis on the face is skin care, use exclusively funds that are meant for sensitive skin.
  • It is forbidden to clean the face with a towel – this leads to mechanical damage to the platelets and stimulate their growth.
  • In the winter you should use moisturizing products.

Complex therapy with the appearance of psoriasis on the face is the following measures:

  • local treatment with ointments, creams, lotions;
  • in physiotherapy;
  • adherence to therapeutic diets;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • take vitamins.

The treatment of psoriasis folk remedies

The traditional medicine offers a lot of proven ways to get rid of psoriasis.

Recipe 1

In the tub of hot water to dissolve a packet of salt, put the patient in 15 minutes. Also to moisten the scalp. After leaving the bath the person should dry itself without cleaning. You need to prepare the onion paste and RUB it on the head and the body of the patient, leave about a quarter of an hour with a cloth to remove the remains of the funds and put the patient to bed. In the morning I prepare a decoction of celandine, coctum 300 grams of grass in a bucket of water and wash the whole body. The next morning, the lava needs a soap and a solution weak manganese. Repeat the procedure 7 times.

the traditional methods of

Recipe 2

Prepare the infusion with two tablespoons of grind dried chicory cups of boiling water. After cooling of the liquid to moisten it a cloth made of natural fabric and apply to the lesions.

Recipe 3

The original method of treatment of psoriasis pumpkin tails is very effective. Tails should be cooked in the oven before turning into ash. Lubricate plaque the juice of garlic and a pinch of pumpkin ash. The method is pretty unpleasant, but effective.

Recipe 4

Two eggs a good whisk with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add about half spoon of acetic acid, pour the mix in a can of dark glass. In the evening, to be used for the lubrication of the affected areas. This ointment is particularly effective in the initial stages of the disease.